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Ep. #201 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E19]

Ep. #201 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E19]

Monday, September 16, 2024 | 10:30am ET / 9:30am CT LISTEN TO THE AUDIO PODCAST Welcome back to another exciting and Inspiring episode of 'The Good Morning Show' with Terry & Melissa! IN THIS EPISODE: We're taking viewer prayer requests; PRAISE for a successful HEART TRANSPLANT; More about the movie "THE FORGE" (movie preview + comments); The WORD for Your Day from 1 Thessalonians 3:12; VACATION memories, and more! WELCOME TO EPISODE 201 Movie Preview: "The Forge" (in theaters now) After graduating from high school without any plans for the future, Isaiah receives a push to start making better life decisions. From online (Focus on the Family) movie review site "": "Those who’ve felt Christ’s tug in their lives but perhaps haven’t yet taken the full discipleship plunge—The Forge can be both encouraging and convicting. And it reminds us all that Christ didn’t come just to save us; He came to transform us, so that we in turn can help transform others. He asks us to die to ourselves so that we can help others find new life, and new hope. FOR THEATER & TICKET INFO: National Day Calendar Events | Sept. 16, 2024 NATIONAL MAYFLOWER DAY LOOKING AHEAD THIS WEEK: 9/17 | NAT’L I.T. PROFESSIONALS DAY 9/17 | NAT’L VOTER REGISTRATION DAY Deadlines vary by state - KY: Mon. Oct. 7, 2024Online, mail postmarked, in person Check Yours: ALREADY REGISTERED? You can also VERIFY registration there. 9/17 | CONSTITUTION DAY & CITIZENSHIP DAY 9/18 | U.S. AIR FORCE B-DAY SEPT. 18, 1947 9/18 | NAITONAL CHEESEBURGER DAY 9/19 | NATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY 9/20 | NATIONAL PEPPERONI PIZZA 9/20 | POW / MIA RECOGNITION DAY (3rd Fri. in Sept.) 9/22 | NAT’L CENTENARIAN’S DAY - 100 BIRTHDAYS OR MORE ABOUT THE NATIONAL DAY CALENDAR The National Day Calendar ( is filled with quirky and fun celebrations that provide the perfect excuse to spread joy, show appreciation, and indulge in some delicious treats. THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY | 1 Thessalonians 3:12 12 "and may the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another, and for all people, just as we also do for you." 1 Thessalonians 3:12 - May Love Increase According to 1 Thessalonians 3:12, the apostle Paul prays that the Lord would “cause you to increase and abound in love one for another, and for all people, just as we also do for you.” This verse expresses Paul’s desire for the Thessalonian believers to experience a deeper and more abundant love for one another and for all people. He is asking God to cultivate this love within them, just as Paul and his companions have demonstrated love towards the Thessalonians. It also highlights the importance of love as a fundamental aspect of the Christian life. It is not just a feeling or an emotion, but a quality that should characterize the relationships between believers and their interactions with others. In this context, “abound” (perisseuo) means to exceed or surpass, implying a love that goes beyond what is normal or expected. This overflowing love is not limited to fellow believers, but also extends to all people, as reflected in the phrase “toward all men.” Paul’s prayer serves as a model for believers today, encouraging us to seek a deeper and more abundant love for one another and for those around us, just as we have been loved by God through Jesus Christ. Thanks for joining us for EPISODE #201! ~Terry and Melissa Wright The Good Morning! Show with Terry and Melissa #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday  #bonescoffeecompany  #bonescoffeecompanylovers
Ep. #199 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E17]

Ep. #199 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E17]

Welcome to Episode 199 - Here are some of the topics we're talking about today: Today Is NATIONAL DOG DAY • We're reviewing a LOCAL (Shelbyville, KY) Coffee Roaster we discovered this weekend • MJ has THE WORD for Your DAY • Viewer Prayer Requests • And More!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GET YOUR GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH Visit our store: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You can listen to the audio podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube, or any other platform where you usually listen to podcasts. FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AUGUST 26 :: NATIONAL D0G DAY Additional Information: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks within himself, so he is." The phrase “as he thinks within himself, so he Is” suggests that a person’s true nature is revealed by their inner thoughts and motivations. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SUBSCRIBE FOR EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Sign up for email notifications on our website and be the first to know about upcoming events. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "GETTING TO KNOW YOU Q&A" Question: "What's the silliest thing you are pretty good at?" Watch the end of the show for answers... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THANKS FOR TUNING IN~ ~Terry and Melissa Wright The Good Morning! Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday #bonescoffeecompany #bonescoffeecompanylovers #NationalDogDay
Ep. #198 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" - [S3|E16]

Ep. #198 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" - [S3|E16]

Monday, August 19, 2024 | 10:30am ET / 9:30am CT Welcome to Episode 198 - Here are some of the topics we're talking about today: Today Is NATIONAL SOFT ICE CREAM DAY PLUS: NATIONAL POTATO DAY • Do you DIP your French Fries In Ice Cream??? • MJ has THE WORD for Your DAY • Viewer Prayer Requests • And More!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HAVE YOU TRIED BONES COFFEE, YET? Follow the link through our website and GET 20% OFF YOUR ORDER! Link: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GET YOUR GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCHVisit our store: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Make sure to tune in to the audio podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube, or any other platform where you usually listen to podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AUGUST 19 :: HAPPY "HEAVENLY" BIRTHDAY, DAD - MARVIN WRIGHT (Terry's Dad) AUGUST 19 :: NATIONAL SOFT ICE CREAM DAY | What's YOUR favorite flavor? Additional Information: AUGUST 19 :: NATIONAL POTATO DAY | Boiled, Baked, Smashed, Fried or...? Additional Information: DO YOU DIP?? CELEBRATE BOTH NATIONAL DAYS!!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: Matthew 28:18-20 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you [b]always, even to the end of the age.” This passage serves as a foundation for the Great Commission, emphasizing the importance of evangelism, discipleship, and obedience to Jesus’ teachings. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SUBSCRIBE FOR EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Sign up for email notifications on our website and be the first to know about upcoming events! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THANKS FOR TUNING IN ~Terry and Melissa Wright The Good Morning! Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday #bonescoffeecompany #bonescoffeecompanylovers #NationalSoftIceCreamDay #NationalPotatoDay
Ep. #197 "Monday Morning Motivation!" [S3|E15]

Ep. #197 "Monday Morning Motivation!" [S3|E15]

Welcome to Episode 197 - Here are some of the topics we're talking about today: This Day In History • TODAY IS NATIONAL VINYL RECORD DAY PLUS: NATIONAL MIDDLE CHILD DAY • Which generation do you identify with? Vinyl Records (LPs), Cassettes, CDs or MP3? • MJ has THE WORD for Your DAY • Viewer Prayer Requests • And More!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LOOKING FOR SOME GREAT COFFEE? Follow this link through our website and GET 20% OFF YOUR ORDER! Link: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GET YOUR GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH Visit our store: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Make sure to tune in to the audio podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube, or any other platform where you usually listen to podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AUGUST 12 :: NATIONAL VINYL RECORD DAY | What's in YOUR vinyl record collection? Additional Information: AUGUST 12 :: NATIONAL MIDDLE CHILD DAY | Where are YOU In your family birth-order? Additional Information: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: Philippians 4:8 8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. By dwelling on these principles, we can cultivate a mindset that is characterized by truthfulness, honor, righteousness, purity, loveliness, and excellence, ultimately leading to a life worthy of praise. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SUBSCRIBE FOR EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Sign up for email notifications on our website and be the first to know about upcoming events! Subscribe Here: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THANKS FOR TUNING IN! ~Terry and Melissa Wright The Good Morning! Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday #bonescoffeecompany #bonescoffeecompanylovers #VinylRecordDay #NationalMiddleChildDay
Ep. #196 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E14]

Ep. #196 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E14]

Welcome to the first Monday of August! Here are some of the topics we'll be discussing in Ep. #196: "4 WAYS TO RECONNECT WITH GOD" • TODAY IS NATIONAL "WORK LIKE A DOG" DAY • TOMORROW: NATIONAL ROOT BEER FLOAT DAY • MJ has THE WORD for Your DAY; • Viewer Prayer Requests • And More!! WELCOME TO EPISODE #196 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LOOKING FOR SOME GREAT COFFEE?? CHECK IT OUT HERE & GET 20% OFF YOUR ORDER. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GET YOUR GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH Visit Our Store: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Make sure to tune in to the audio podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube, or any other platform where you usually listen to podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AUGUST 5 :: NATIONAL "WORK LIKE A DOG" DAY Are you working hard or hardly working?!! Additional Information: AUGUST 6 :: NATIONAL ROOT BEER FLOAT DAY What kind of Root Beer do YOU prefer? Additional Information: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: Proverbs 4:23 "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." According to Proverbs 4:23, "above all else, guard your heart", for everything you do flows from it. This verse emphasizes the importance of protecting the “heart” or the central core of one’s being, which encompasses the mind, will, and affections. The heart is a vulnerable place, prone to deceit and sickness (Jeremiah 17:9-10). Therefore, it is crucial to be vigilant and intentional in guarding it against negative influences and sinful patterns. This involves actively seeking to cultivate a heart that is pure, humble, and obedient to God’s will. By guarding your heart, you will be better equipped to navigate life’s challenges and make decisions that align with God’s purposes! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4 WAYS TO RECONNECT WITH GOD | Listen for discussion of the full list. 1) Embrace Vulnerability in Prayer 2) Give Thanks in All Circumstances 3) Read God's Word (The Bible) Daily 4) Seek Community & Fellowship -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SUBSCRIBE FOR EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Sign up for email notifications on our website and be the first to know about upcoming events! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THANKS FOR TUNING IN ~Terry and Melissa Wright The Good Morning! Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday #bonescoffeecompany #bonescoffeecompanylovers #WorkLikeADogDay #NationalRootBeerFloatDay
Ep. #195 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E13]

Ep. #195 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E13]

We're back just In time for the LAST MONDAY of July! Here are some of the topics we'll be discussing in Ep. #195 : "THINGS TO DO BEFORE THE END OF SUMMER" • TODAY IS NATIONAL CHICKEN WING DAY • TOMORROW: NATIONAL CHEESECAKE DAY • MJ has THE WORD for Your DAY; • Viewer Prayer Requests • And More!! WELCOME TO EPISODE #195 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LOOKING FOR SOME GOOD COFFEE?? GET YOU SOME BONES COFFEE via our website & GET 20% OFF YOUR ORDER: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GET YOUR GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH Visit Our Store: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Make sure to tune in to the audio podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube, or any other platform where you usually listen to podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- JULY 29 :: NATIONAL CHICKEN WING DAY | How do you like YOUR wings? Bone-in? Boneless? Buffalo? Honey BBQ? Teriyaki? Dry Rub? Saucy? Let us know in the comments section. Additional Information JULY 30 :: NATIONAL CHEESECAKE DAY Plain, fruity, chocolate, or other flavors? Additional Information -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: Ephesians 4:23 "and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind..." According to Ephesians 4:23, believers are called to be renewed in the spirit of their minds. This verse emphasizes the importance of transforming one’s thinking and behavior to align with God’s will. The phrase “spirit of your minds” refers to the innermost aspect of a person’s being, where thoughts, emotions, and desires reside. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SUBSCRIBE FOR EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Sign up for email notifications on our website and be the first to know about upcoming events! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THANKS FOR TUNING IN ~Terry and Melissa Wright The Good Morning! Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday #bonescoffeecompany #bonescoffeecompanylovers #NationalChickenWingDay #NationalCheesecakeDay
Ep. #194 "Tuesday Morning Turn-Around!" [S3|E12]

Ep. #194 "Tuesday Morning Turn-Around!" [S3|E12]

We skipped yesterday’s normal Monday morning livestream, so we’re making it up by bringing you this “Tuesday Morning Turn-Around!” Here are some of the topics we'll be discussing in Ep. #194: IT'S NATIONAL VANILLA ICE CREAM DAY • We Have Some POSITIVE NEWS You Can USE; MJ has THE WORD for Your DAY; We're taking Viewer Prayer Requests • And More!! WELCOME TO EPISODE #194 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LOOKING FOR SOME GREAT COFFEE?? CHECK IT OUT through our website link & GET 20% OFF YOUR ORDER: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GET YOUR GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH! Visit Our Store: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Make sure to tune in to the audio podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube, or any other platform where you usually listen to podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NATIONAL VANILLA ICE CREAM DAY | What is YOUR favorite way to enjoy It? More Info: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: Ephesians 2:5-6 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Will there be a possible return of our "Thursday Night LIVE" show this week? Sign up for email notifications on our website and be the first to know! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THANKS FOR TUNING IN ~Terry and Melissa Wright The Good Morning! Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday #bonescoffeecompany #bonescoffeecompanylovers #VanillaIceCreamDay
Ep. #193 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E11]

Ep. #193 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E11]

Monday Morning Motivation - Mon. July 15, 2024 HERE ARE A FEW TOPICS WE WILL DISCUSS IN THIS EPISODE: We're halfway through the month already! • July 15 marks National Gummi Worm Day • Summer Camp Report • MJ shares The Word for Your Day from Proverbs 15 • Viewer Prayer Requests • Plus much more!! WELCOME TO EPISODE #193 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LOOKING FOR SOME GREAT COFFEE?? Check out BONES COFFEE through our website & GET 20% OFF YOUR ORDER: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GET YOUR GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH Visit Our Store: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Make sure to tune in to the audio podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube, or any other platform where you usually listen to podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NATIONAL GUMMI WORM | What is YOUR favorite flavor/variety of Gummi Worms? More Info: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY Proverbs 15:29 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GETTING TO KNOW YOU Q&A "Would you rather watch a movie on your TV at home or on the big screen in the theater, and why?" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THANKS FOR TUNING IN!! Terry and Melissa Wright The Good Morning! Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday #bonescoffeecompany #bonescoffeecompanylovers #NationalGummiWormDay
Ep. #191 "Monday Morning Motivation!" [S3|E9]

Ep. #191 "Monday Morning Motivation!" [S3|E9]

Monday, June 24, 2024 | 10:30am ET / 9:30am CT BLOG POST WITH TODAY'S SHOW NOTES: HERE'S SOME OF WHAT WE'RE COVERING IN THIS EPISODE: • This Past Weekend's (crazy) Events • June 24 is National Patch Day • GARDEN TALK: "How does your garden grow?!!" • MJ has The Word for Your Day from Galatians 2 • Viewer Prayer Requests • And More!! WELCOME TO EPISODE #191! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GET YOUR GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH Visit Our Store: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LISTEN TO THE AUDIO PODCAST on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube and anywhere else you get your podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: Galatians 2:20 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- NATIONAL PATCH DAY (June 24) National Patch Day encourages everyone to show support for kids (and their families) as they navigate through their varied journeys of disease, and mental illness, grief, and more. More Info: ( ( -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THANKS FOR TUNING IN!! Terry and Melissa Wright ~The Good Morning! Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday  #bonescoffeecompany  #bonescoffeecompanylovers #nationalpatchday
Ep. #189 Monday Morning Motivation!! [S3|E7]

Ep. #189 Monday Morning Motivation!! [S3|E7]

Monday, June 3, 2024 | 10:30am ET / 9:30am CT WELCOME TO EPISODE #189! HERE'S SOME OF WHAT WE'RE COVERING IN THIS EPISODE: • It's a NEW WEEK and a NEW MONTH! • June 3 is National Egg Day and National Leave Work Early Day! • How do you like YOUR eggs? • Favorite Breakfast Restaurants • Travel Stops • MJ has The Word for Your Day from James 4:7-8 • Viewer Prayer Requests • And More!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GET YOUR GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH - Visit Our Store -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LISTEN TO THE AUDIO PODCAST on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube and anywhere else you get your podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NATIONAL EGG DAY (June 3) NATIONAL LEAVE THE OFFICE EARLY DAY (June 3) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: James 4:7-8 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- THANKS FOR TUNING IN!! Terry and Melissa Wright ~The Good Morning@ Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday  #bonescoffeecompany  #bonescoffeecompanylovers
Ep. #188 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" (Memorial Day-U.S.) - Mon. May 27, 2024

Ep. #188 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" (Memorial Day-U.S.) - Mon. May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024 (U.S.) - Monday, May 27, 2024 10:30am EST / 9:30am CDT LISTEN TO THE AUDIO PODCAST on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube and anywhere else you get your podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: HERE'S SOME OF WHAT WE'RE COVERING IN THIS EPISODE: • Memorial Day 2024 (United States Holiday) • Severe Weather Outbreak (5/26/24) • Memorial Day History & Traditions • MJ has The Word for Your Day from 2 Corinthians • Viewer Prayer Requests • Memorial Day Video Tribute - And More!! WELCOME TO EPISODE #188 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GET YOUR GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH - Visit Our Store -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MEMORIAL DAY 2024 (United States Holiday) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- THANKS FOR TUNING IN!! Terry and Melissa Wright~The Good Morning@ Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday  #bonescoffeecompany  #bonescoffeecompanylovers #memorialday2024
Ep. #187 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E5]

Ep. #187 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E5]

Monday, May 20, 2024 | 10:30am ET / 9:30am CT LISTEN/SUBSCRIBE TO THE AUDIO PODCAST wherever you get your podcasts. HERE'S SOME OF WHAT WE'RE COVERING IN THIS EPISODE: • National Military Appreciation Month | National Egg Month + National Burger Month • Get Your Good Morning Show Merch on our website • Summer Weather Is Coming Earlier This Year • MJ has The Word for Your Day from 2 Corinthians 5 • Viewer Prayer Requests • GETTING TO KNOW YOU Q&A - And More!! WELCOME TO EPISODE #187 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WE NOW HAVE GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH Visit Our Store: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LISTEN TO THE AUDIO PODCAST on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube and anywhere else you get your podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MAY 2024 | NATIONAL MILITARY APPRECIATION MONTH MAY 2024 | NATIONAL EGG MONTH MAY 2024 | NATIONAL BURGER MONTH -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: 2 Corinthians 5:15-17 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- QUESTION: "What Is your Idea of your favorite burger toppings?" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- THANKS FOR TUNING IN!! Terry and Melissa Wright ~The Good Morning@ Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: If you’re tired of the daily same old same old and you’ve been looking for a place where you can be encouraged and loved, then this is the show for you! Join Terry and Melissa Wright as they talk about the Bible, Coffee, Family, Current Events, History, Trivia, and more! Watch previous episodes on our website: #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday  #bonescoffeecompany  #bonescoffeecompanylovers
Ep. #185 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E3]

Ep. #185 "Monday Morning Motivation!!" [S3|E3]

Welcome to the First Monday in May! HERE'S SOME OF WHAT WE'RE COVERING IN THIS EPISODE: • More Severe Weather on Tap for the Midwest Today • Today (May 6th) is National Nurse's Day • 150th Running of the Kentucky Derby (May 4th) • National Day of Prayer (first Thursday in May/May 2nd) • Star Wars Day - May the 4th (be with you) • Cinco de Mayo - May 5th - Free Queso, anyone? • MJ has The Word for Your Day from 2 Corinthians 5 • Viewer Prayer Requests • GETTING TO KNOW YOU Q&A And so much More! WELCOME TO EPISODE #185!!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WE NOW HAVE GOOD MORNING SHOW MERCH Visit Our Store - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LISTEN TO THE AUDIO PODCAST on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube and anywhere else you get your podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MAY 6, 2024 | NATIONAL NURSE'S DAY/WEEK -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SEVERE WEATHER SEASON Stay on top of it all with Ryan Hall Y'all -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: 2 Corinthians 4:5-9 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GETTING TO KNOW YOU Q&A: "What are some of the dumbest misadventures you've been on?" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- THANKS FOR TUNING IN!! Terry and Melissa Wright~The Good Morning@ Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday  #bonescoffeecompany  #bonescoffeecompanylovers
Ep. #183 "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!" Welcome to Season 3 | Ep. #1

Ep. #183 "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!" Welcome to Season 3 | Ep. #1

IN THIS EPISODE: We're celebrating the start of SEASON THREE... We have at least THREE NATIONAL DAY CALENDAR observances: • Earth Day, National Jellybean Day, National Girl Scout Leader's Day, and Passover begins this evening (4/22/24); • MJ has The Word for Your Day; • Viewer Prayer Requests; • We have a really good "GETTING TO KNOW YOU" Question at the end of the show; • And so much More. WELCOME TO SEASON 3 | EPISODE #183!!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LISTEN TO THE AUDIO PODCAST on Apple podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts, YouTube and anywhere else you get your podcasts! FIND and FOLLOW US: FACEBOOK, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, etc.: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Our very first episode was streamed on April 25, 2022. Watch it here: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- From WORLD EARTH DAY NATIONAL JELLYBEAN DAY PASSOVER BEGINS NATIONAL GIRL SCOUT LEADER'S DAY -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY: Deuteronomy 31:8 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- QUESTION: "What is your earliest childhood memory?" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THANKS FOR TUNING IN!! Terry and Melissa Wright ~The Good Morning@ Show with Terry and Melissa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABOUT THE GOOD MORNING SHOW: In this fun & encouraging audience-driven variety show, husband and wife co-hosts Terry and Melissa Wright talk about the Bible, Family, Coffee, History, Trivia, and more. #thisdayinhistory #thegoodmorningshowtv #terryandmelissawright #christian #podcast #family #jesus #coffee #followus #joinus #subscribeonyoutube #thegoodmorningshowdottv #varietyshow #applepodcasts #spotify #tuneinradio #iheartradio #thegoodmorningshow #coffeeoftheday #thisweekinhistory #jokeoftheday #thewordforyourday #bonescoffeecompany  #bonescoffeecompanylovers #worldearthday #nationaljellybeanday #nationalgirlscoutleadersday


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